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Innovo offers several FREE services, including a written, no-obligation, "Publishing Readiness" critique of your manuscript. Discover whether your manuscript is truly ready to be published, and receive specific tips and recommendations from Innovo's editorial staff!
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Check out Innovo's Music Critiques, Book to Screenplay Quotes, Screenplay Critiques, Innovo's Publishing Guide, and downloadable ebook, music, & Audiobook samples. It's chock full of information that you NEED to know!
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Innovo's FREE Catalog presents our latest titles (and authors) that are available for purchase by distributors, wholesalers, retailers, and consumers...

Innovo's FREE Manuscript Critique provides a brief, independent written review of the readiness of your Christian or wholesome book for Traditional Publishing, Co-publishing, or Independent (self) Publishing...

Innovo's FREE screenplay critique provides a brief, independent review of the readiness of your Christian or wholesome screenplay to be pitched to producers and investors...

Innovo's FREE music critique provides a brief, independent review of the readiness of your Christian or wholesome music to be mastered and released globally in digital or physical formats.

Want to listen to an Innovo audiobook or music title sample for FREE? Now you can. Click below and grab yours today!

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